Strategic program 2nd district Leon

Urban planning

Location: León, Gto.

Year: 2021

Urban study for the elaboration of the strategic program of the 2nd district Hilamas - Leon II located southwest Leon. Due to the partition of the city in seven districts the Municipal Planning Institute IMPLAN carry out the elaboration of these seven programs. This sector of the city has mayor challenges because of the disconnection between the two areas: one isolated and marginalized on higher grounds and the lower one with industrial areas (with great potential of growth) as well as medium income residential areas with mixed use. The master plan looks for the creation of new centralities (mixed use buildings) to reduce daily commuting, the creation of a green belt of public parks interconnected with linear parks, the finishing of some streets and boulevards to improve the mobility and the connection of the two areas and finally the attraction of new companies to the industrial areas to improve and elevate the income and quality of life of their residents.