Residential Lomas de Comanjilla

Urban and landscape design

Location: Comanjilla, Silao, Gto.

Year: 1980

This large development is located at southeast on Leon, inside the municipality of Silao. Its main entrance is found along the Comanjilla highway. The land plot is a 90 hectares site and it has been developed in several stages for over 30 years. The original conception was a rustic countryside development for second residences; however, they have eventually become first residences for many of the individual owners. The north-facing sloped land was used for generating the main streets, which are born from a central boulevard and are spread into several stepped branches according to the topographical curves, going down towards the weir that supplies the whole place. A flatten new section at northwest allowed a structured grid of curved roads, and north-south prevailing facades. All roads are rock paved and 7m wide, plus a meter on either sides for sidewalks. Standard plots have 500m2. Finally, the main entrance is an important reference for entering the complex; it has a guard hose, warehouse and a raised tank.